
htmlwidgets allows us to use the power of Javascript-based visualization libraries from within R, to produce some fantastic visualizations.


Used to plot time series data.

  • Data: All India Area Weighted Annual Rainfall (in mm)
  • Data Source: India Meteorological Department (IMD)
  • Download Data


You can download the full R Script to reproduce the analysis here.

  • Install / load required packages using:

    # check to see if packages are installed. Install them if they are not, then load them into the R session.
    ipak <- function(pkg){
      new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
      if (length(new.pkg))
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
      sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE)
    # usage
    packages <- c("dplyr", "xts", "zoo", "lubridate",
                  "dygraphs", "tidyr", "htmlwidgets")
  • Exercise: manipulate the data and get it to this format. Use readRDS to read in the processed dataset to verify that you got everything right.

  • Convert the dataframe to a time series object using the xts package:

    annualRainfall.xts <- xts(annualRainfall$rainfall, = annualRainfall$year)
    names(annualRainfall.xts) <- 'rainfall'
  • Your dataset is now ready for plotting. You can use dygraphs to make an interactive graph:

    dygraph(annualRainfall.xts,main = "Annual Rainfall (mm)") %>%
      dySeries('rainfall',label = 'Annual Rainfall (mm)') %>%
      dyAxis('x',label = 'Year') %>%
      dyRangeSelector() %>%
  • If you want to style the CSS of the graph further, you can use dyCSS:

    dygraph(annualRainfall.xts,main = "Annual Rainfall (mm)") %>%
      dySeries('rainfall',label = 'Annual Rainfall (mm)') %>%
      dyAxis('x',label = 'Year') %>%
      dyRangeSelector() %>%
      dyCSS(paste0(CODE,'dygraphs.css')) %>%



Interactive maps with Leaflet